Mobile Casinos Allow Gamblers to Play When They’re Away

Twin Dragons Slots

There are times when you sit waiting for what seems like an eternity for an appointment and there is nothing to do. The magazines provided in the waiting room are dull and three years old, whilst the newspaper you bought has been left in the car. It doesn't always have to be this way as the cell phone can provide many sources of entertainment these days. Not least are the mobile casinos, which can provide a gambling experience wherever you are, whenever you like. There was a time when a cell phone simply allowed you to make or receive calls, although those early versions required the strength of a WWF wrestler to carry them. Then the games like solitaire and snake came along, which were all very well but they were basic and got a bit tedious after a while. Mobile casinos are a step forward from online casinos, which clearly offer the possibility of gambling without leaving the house. However with mobile casinos, the possibilities of gambling can be taken with you to the waiting room, airport lounge or to the mother-in-law's house on a Sunday afternoon. Many people still think casinos are the domain of the rich and famous and in some places this may well be true. James Bond would often put one over his enemy at the gambling tables, whilst sipping his vodka martini - shaken not stirred of course. Ironically Sean Connery, well known for playing 007 in films such as Dr No and Goldfinger, had the same luck as Bond. It was reported in 1963 that the Scotsman bet and won on the number 17 three times in a row at odds of 50,000 -1, leaving the Casino de la Vallee in Saint-Vincent, Italy $30,000 richer. However, there is a greater accessibility to casinos these days for people in all walks of life. This accessibility has grown through online gaming and now mobile casinos. Clearly the convenience of mobile casinos is the main benefit over online gambling, and whilst the screen may be a lot smaller the rewards can be just as good. As with all online gaming the cell phone gaming market is getting very competitive, so many companies will have special introductory offers such as free casino credits. Many of the mobile casinos are operated by reputable online gambling companies, which are trading publicly on the London or New York stock exchanges. It is as well too use reputable companies such as those listed on this site, before downloading the games to a cell phone. Users can download a casino application to their cell phone and enjoy many of the games to be found at a real casino. There are the traditional slot machines with sites offering variations on the theme and numerous chances of winning. Other games featured on mobile casinos are of course traditional favorites such as Black Jack, Roulette, Keno and Poker. For the many people unable to get to a casino because the nearest one is just too far away, this is a welcome substitute.